
How Iqra University transformed your life

How Iqra University transformed your life Written by Hafsa Ameer I made the decision to apply to Iqra University MBA programme because I wanted to learn how to use business as a tool to create prosperity for the millions of people striving to eke out a living in Pakistan. And so far, IU has not disappointed. Seven years ago I graduated from Jinnah University for women. I found great admiration for marketing while working in a digital agency, to me, it was like a dream pursue mode. Considering marketing as my future path, I applied for many universities for MBA programme but the core and optional elective courses the other universities were offering were not as per the international requirements. Then I came across Iqra University and read about its MBA programme and the courses and electives the university was offering. The good thing of being in IU is having a good confidence when you are presenting an idea in you

The Power of Our Words- 3 Ways to Control Your Tongue

The Power of Our Words- 3 Ways to Control Your Tongue Words have power. Here are 3 ways to control your tongue, so merely utilize your words for good. Ever scroll through Facebook and reasonably get tired? Are you tired of the negativity? Are you tired of the fighting? Ever think, why within the world are they posting that? Yeah, me too. So much so I took my address to the Master. Not to seek for the “why” individuals post what they post, but more so how to form beyond any doubt I don’t. My looking for a drive to Proverbs. Do words in verses ever hop out at you? Like when you're perusing an entry of Sacred writing or a book of the Book of scriptures, and a comparable thought keeps coming up repeatedly? Throughout Sayings, God talked to me almost the tongue, whereas there are various subjects and concepts. (And possibly included a minor criticism and adjustment to a

Are we actually prepared for Artificial Intelligence?

Are we actually prepared for Artificial Intelligence? "Philosophically, intellectually—in every way—human society is unprepared for the rise of artificial intelligence" Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of attention these days, particularly in the technology industry and in corporate boardrooms. AI is also becoming prevalent in consumers everyday lives. Consumers don’t always recognize it as such, as corporate marketing experts prefer to avoid technical jargon and instead use consumer friendly names like Siri and Alexa – but for people that are more technically inclined, the ubiquitous presence of AI is hard to miss. AI is not a new concept. In fact, its roots go back several decades. So why so much buzz now? Is this just another technology hype that is going to fade, or does it truly have the potential to bring about transformations, either good or bad, of epic proportions? Le

Bragging of getting a new opportunity in your career

Bragging of getting new opportunity in new career "If you can't be humble in your career, there is no stopping in your destruction.." So here is the deal! I will resign from the job for which I have been working since past 7 years and then I will enjoy my notice period followed by joining into new organization, and post the pictures of the luxury and privileges I will be getting, sounds pretty cool huh?? It does really sound interesting, I am like , its a dream come true that you would be getting luxuries and privileges in a new company and sharing it on social media to mock my old company. But the reality is you are calling a wrath upon yourself. But why?? What's the reason of calling this action "a wrath"?? I means why I would not be sharing my luxury pictures in my new workplace, isn't it great??? The thing is that you have forgotten the opportunities

The importance of sucking at a new job for a year or two

The importance of sucking at a new job for a year or two "Sometimes you dont find motivation, but motivation finds you.." You suck. Also: I suck. I don’t know what it is that you suck at, but you suck at something very important. You suck at things you will someday not suck at. But for now, you are not good at these things. In fact, you suck at them. This must be accepted. It might take a while. So I’ll wait. You know what? I’ll do it too. While we’re both accepting that we suck, let’s talk about failure. Failure is huge right now. It’s being studied. It’s being written about. It’s being blogged about. “Fail early and often,” we’re told. “Surrender to the pain of failure.” “Failure is fundamental.” The latest key to success is to fail but to fail in the right way. But is there a right way to fail? I

Nightmare disorders and how it affects both adults and children

Nightmare disorders and how it affects both adults and children "A bad dream could be a exasperating dream related with negative sentiments, such as uneasiness or fear that stirs you.." Bad dreams are common in children, but can happen at any age, and intermittent bad dreams more often than not are nothing to stress approximately. Bad dreams may start in children between 3 and 6 a long time ancient and tend to diminish after the age of 10. Amid the youngster and youthful grown-up a long time, young ladies show up to have bad dreams more frequently than boys do. A few individuals have them as grown-ups or all through their lives. In spite of the fact that bad dreams are common, bad dream clutter is generally uncommon. Bad dream clutter is when bad dreams happen regularly, cause trouble, disturb rest, cause issues with daytime working or make fear of reaching to rest.

Despise Discourse on Social Media: Worldwide Comparisons

Despise Discourse on Social Media: Worldwide Comparisons Summary a. Despise discourse online has been connected to a worldwide increment in viciousness toward minorities, counting mass shootings, lynchings, and ethnic cleansing. b. Arrangements utilized to check despise discourse chance constraining free discourse and are conflictingly upheld. c. Nations such as the Joined together States give social media companies wide powers in overseeing their substance and implementing despise discourse rules. Others, counting Germany, can constrain companies to expel posts inside certain time periods. Introduction A mounting number of attacks on immigrants and other minorities has raised new concerns about the connection between inflammatory speech online and violent acts, as well as the role of corporations and the state in policing speech. Analysts say trends in hate crimes around the world echo changes in the polit

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